
The Fan-Made, Open-Source
Star Wars Unlimited Simulator

Public Games

Games In Progress


Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image
Player 1 Hero Image vs Player 2 Hero Image

Create New Game

Info Set 3 cards are not yet available in Karbast. Playing a deck that includes any of these cards will break game creation.

Karabast is an open-source, fan-made platform.

It is an educational tool only, meant to facilitate researching decks and strategies that is supportive of in-person play. As such, direct competition through the form of automated tournaments or rankings will not be added.

This tool is free to use and is published non-commercially. Payment is not required to access any functionality.



Set 3 cards and Karabast's next steps

For the last few months we've been hard at work on a brand new version of Karabast. Our new codebase will dramatically simplify future card implementation, and card error fixes. We're working hard to get this new version launched as soon as possible, but that will be after Set 3 releases. Set 3 cards will not be implemented until we make this transition.

Join our Discord for the latest progress updates and timelines. If you have coding experience we are always open to new contributors. Info on how to help out can also be found on Discord. We appreciate everyone's patience as we work on this new Karabast experience, and look forward to playing games with you when we launch!

Karabast is in no way affiliated with Disney or Fantasy Flight Games. Star Wars characters, cards, logos, and art are property of Disney and/or Fantasy Flight Games.